The Indy Public Safety Foundation exists to support a safer Indianapolis. Our programs allow investment of both time and money in ensuring we can improve our community together.
We leverage our agility, effectiveness, and creativity to:
support our first responders at IMPD, IFD, and IEMS
support the safety and quality of life of everyone in Indy, no matter their place, race, or identity
bring together first responders and the community
Meet first responder needs so they can serve the community more purposefully, safely, and effectively.
Enhance agency efforts to attract, develop, and retain first responders to reflect and support the communities they serve.
Address unmet needs of first responders with IMPD, IFD, IEMS, and the Office of Public Health & Safety.
Respond to real-time requests for food, training, and supplies.
Address unforeseen needs of first responders and our community in times of crisis.
Provide exposure to public safety careers through youth initiatives.
Support first responder training and leadership development.
Provide community recognition and support to first responders.
Engage the community to build trust and interrupt, reduce, and prevent violence.
Lead Gun Violence Reduction Strategy and Domestic Violence Champions in partnership with the Office of Public Health & Safety.
Decrease neighborhood conflict by growing the Indy Center for Conflict Resolution.
Build community trust and relations through Indy PAL and other programs.

The IPSF Board of Directors is deeply committed to ensuring public safety in our community. The Board is comprised of volunteers from various backgrounds and professions who work tirelessly to oversee strategic planning, program selection and review, long-term budgeting, and overall operations. The strength of our Board reflects the significance of public safety to the city's business and community leaders.