Indy Peace is built on community collaboration and interrupting the cycle of gun violence to empower individuals to create brighter futures.

For every life lost to gun violence, four more are at risk due to retaliation. Reduce the homicide rate in Indianapolis by choosing peace.
The Indy Peace Fellowship is a partnership between the Indy Public Safety Foundation and the Office of Public Health and Safety, developed as part of the City's Violence Reduction Strategy. The program, aimed at reducing gun violence through a data-driven, community-based approach, works to identify those at the highest risk for committing gun violence and provides interventions, resources, and intense mentor programming to build connections in communities affected by gun violence.
Interrupting Violence Before It Starts
Outreach workers and violence interrupters respond to shootings and homicides, calming tensions, preventing retaliation, and offering crucial resources to those affected.
Promoting Healing and Restoration
Indy Peace provides trauma-informed care and mental health resources to individuals at the highest risk of committing and being a victim of gun violence.
Empowering at Risk Individuals
By identifying individuals most likely to be involved in gun violence through trusted messengers and data analysis, Indy Peace offers a lifeline.
Data-Driven Impact
Indy Peace uses data analysis and credible messengers to identify individuals and communities at risk, ensuring targeted impact.
Breaking the Cycle
Indy Peace creates individualized LifeMAP plans that tackle social, emotional, and economic needs, addressing the root causes of gun violence in Indianapolis.
Saving Lives
Since the program began, Indy has seen a nearly 30% reduction in criminal homicides—by interrupting violence, empowering individuals, and building stronger communities.
Data shows that those who are at the highest risk of becoming involved in gun violence meet certain criteria. For more information about the Indy Peace Fellowship or working with us to reduce gun violence in Indy contact info@indypeace.org.
Community Services Provided Since 2023
Violence Interruptions
Indy Peace
Fellowship Graduates Since 2023
Criminal Homicide
Reduction Since 2021
By supporting the Indy Peace program, you can be part of the collaborative efforts to reduce gun violence in the city of Indianapolis. Your financial contribution helps us meet critical needs, empower Indy Peace Fellows, and support gun violence reduction programming across the city. By supporting Indy Peace, you become a vital part of making that future a reality.
Choose Peace
Encourage your friends and family to join you in choosing peace over violence in your community. Model peace-forward behavior and promote a culture of safety and responsibility in your community by proactively reaching out.
Donate Resources
Connect with us if your business or organization can provide resources, access to employment, or support for individuals working with the program.
Partner With Us
Partnering with us to educate your employees about gun violence prevention and awareness helps strengthen the community and build a network of support.